Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic Treatment




Fixed orthodontic brackets, which are an application that can be done after the completion of permanent teeth, are made of porcelain or plastic and are used by sticking on the tooth. Especially the ones in tooth color do not create a bad appearance in terms of aesthetics, and in this respect, they do not cause discomfort and are preferred by patients. It is a type of orthodontic treatment  performed using metal-looking brackets that are attached to the visible surfaces of your teeth. Although they are remotely similar in shape, there are different treatment systems, wire and bracket alloys in which such brackets are used. Which of these to use is usually related to the habits, experience and price of your orthodontist. Apart from their appearance, they generally offer lower cost and time advantages compared to other systems.


It is a method often used in children before puberty. These appliances, which can be easily put on and removed by the patient, treat the irregularities and inconsistencies in the lower and upper jaws. It is used with fixed orthodontic appliances and is an effective method.


In this treatment method, which has recently become popular among the public as wireless orthodontics, the patient's teeth are measured and according to this measure, transparent aligners (aligners) are made in private laboratories in a number that differs according to the severity of the patient's problem and the company. The patient uses these plates according to the doctor's recommendations and the desired result is achieved. Sometimes, in easier and simpler cases, transparent molds can be used instead of mounting brackets. You need to wear these molds, which are designed specifically for the patient by taking the patient's measurements, for 15-20 hours a day by changing them every two weeks. An average of 60 pairs of dies are used in each treatment and these dies are changed every two weeks. With this treatment, which lasts about 6-24 months, you can get rid of your simple problems.



In case of incompatibility of the jaws with respect to each other and the face, or in cases where orthodontic treatment is insufficient, orthognathic treatment can be applied to correct these disorders.

Orthodontic treatment may be insufficient in some cases. Especially when it comes to the incompatibility of the chin with the face, orthognathic surgery achieves successful and effective results. There are some problems that may not respond to orthodontic treatment or this treatment is insufficient. In these cases, the orthognathic surgery method comes into play. Especially after accidents or injuries, problems and incompatibilities related to the face and jaw may occur. This situation also affects the psychology of the patient because it also creates problems in terms of aesthetics.



6-7 years of age in children is the period when milk teeth fall out and permanent teeth begin to erupt. Therefore, the first orthodontic examinations should be done during this period. These examinations are generally aimed at "preventive and preventive treatment". In other words, the disorders that may occur in the child and the teeth that are prone to decay are determined. Because early diagnosed cases can of course be treated more quickly and effectively. After the examination, the dentist can start orthodontic treatment if he deems it necessary. Orthodontic treatment can be performed without the loss of milk teeth in the child's mouth. With the controls made every 6 months, it can be determined whether there is any disorder in your child's teeth and jaw structure.



Orthodontic interventions are performed in order to both correct the aesthetic appearance and solve the problems in the person in cases that cannot be diagnosed in childhood and are delayed, or in cases where wisdom teeth come out and there are disorders that we call crowding in the teeth. Such problems lead to many problems, from eating disorders to chewing difficulties.

With the developing technology, various braces can be applied in millimetric sizes and in tooth color that do not spoil the aesthetic appearance.

Again, various surgical interventions may be required, since orthodontics alone will not be sufficient for problems in the upper and lower jaws, not only in the teeth.

During this treatment, it is necessary not to disrupt the care of the teeth and mouth, and to avoid nuts, hard objects and acidic drinks such as cola, which can damage the braces and can get into the brackets.

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